Enlightening Village

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Friend…. Bliss like a water for the man who thirsts. Like a light for the man who darkness. Bliss searched by everybody. Sometime they ready to release million money for the bliss. But many people wrong interpret of the bliss meaning. A lot look the bliss when we got copious of money, copious of properties, and have the high occupation. Friend… In the reality all is wrong. A lot of fact which we see who the copious of properties they not find the bliss. Those who have the high occupation never felt the bliss. And often we meet a impecunious exactly feel the meaning of bliss. My Friend... in the reality, bliss we do not get in properties or high occupation but bliss will get when people able to mean this life truly…. Welcome to :


Making life meaningful.

In this site will be allotted story to be everybody knows there is part of the world of them not understand, even though they have never envisioned it. Read not with eyes but with the heart, so we can be stayed alive, not merely with the physical, but with the soul which never stop to expand. So that we comprehend that this life is a beautiful matter and pleasure, cold and refresh, peace and full of freshmen.

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Friday, August 03, 2007
There is a young man in Lake Periphery. He seen quixotic. His eye sees water. All place he has passed, but not one place make his satisfy. He is more and more sorrowful till there is a man accosts him.
What are you doing in here a young man?" Ask that people. Seemingly voice an old man. “What do you think?'
Those young men turn around. I tired, mister. I thread kilometers distance [to] through to look for the bliss, but do not I find that feel in myself. I have run by way of mount and dale, but nothing bliss sign attend in myself. Where I have to looking for? When I will find that bliss?
An old man sits beside that young man. He listen that young man sigh attentively. He looks into young man face. Last, he says “At the front, there are garden. If you wish answer, catch a butterfly for me.
Young man sees that old man, unsure. That old man nods his head, “Yes catch the butterfly for me by your hand," old man repeats his sentence.
A young man rises up. He walk go to the garden. In the garden he fined trees and flowers which is bloom. And over there are a lot of butterfly in flight.
That young man starts to make a move to catch a butterfly. He goes to a target. Slowly he catches a butterfly. Hap, in the reality that butterfly loose and flown. He immediately pursues it. Again his arms pounce it. Hap, fail again.

That young man starts to run irregular. His movement is progressively wild.
Several hours later not yet marking that young man will desist. No butterfly can catch. That young man starts fatigue. His breath hunt, his chest makes a move to fluctuate swiftly. Suddenly there is screamingly “Stop young man. Take a rest. In reality the old man screaming. He walks slowly. But see! There is a group of butterfly flown on his both sides. Some perch on that old body.
Is that your method to pursue the bliss? Run and dash against? Bumping indefinite instruct, infiltrating without caring what you destroyed?” Old man stares at that young man “My Son, searching that bliss like catching butterfly. More and more you dashed against, more and more he will refrain from you. More and more you hunt, more and more to he go from you."
Catch that butterfly in your heart. Because that bliss non object which you can grasp or something which you can keep. Look for that bliss at heart. He will not run everywhere. Even without you realize that bliss often come by him.
Truth look for the bliss like catch the butterfly. Difficult for the man who too impassioned. But easy for they who know why searching the bliss. We can pursue it by running boisterous to entire direction angle.
But, we learn. We learn the bliss is not got by the way like that. We learn, that happy is not something that can be grasped or object which can be kept. The bliss is air. Bliss is aroma from that air. We learn, that’s happy is true there is in heart. More and more we pursue it, more and more too the bliss will go from us. More and more we try to reach for it, that bliss more and more go away.
Try to find that bliss in heart. Let, that feels everlasting in our heart. Find that bliss in every our step. In working, in learning, in experiencing our life, in sorrowful, in happy, in quiet and in noise...
The bliss there is in everywhere. That feels there is around us. Even though, bliss there is in our heart, but we never care. Possible, bliss also flies around us, but we never enjoy.
Taken from “Saksi” Megazine.


posted by Setyawan @ 8:03 PM  
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