Enlightening Village

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Friend…. Bliss like a water for the man who thirsts. Like a light for the man who darkness. Bliss searched by everybody. Sometime they ready to release million money for the bliss. But many people wrong interpret of the bliss meaning. A lot look the bliss when we got copious of money, copious of properties, and have the high occupation. Friend… In the reality all is wrong. A lot of fact which we see who the copious of properties they not find the bliss. Those who have the high occupation never felt the bliss. And often we meet a impecunious exactly feel the meaning of bliss. My Friend... in the reality, bliss we do not get in properties or high occupation but bliss will get when people able to mean this life truly…. Welcome to :


Making life meaningful.

In this site will be allotted story to be everybody knows there is part of the world of them not understand, even though they have never envisioned it. Read not with eyes but with the heart, so we can be stayed alive, not merely with the physical, but with the soul which never stop to expand. So that we comprehend that this life is a beautiful matter and pleasure, cold and refresh, peace and full of freshmen.

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Friday, August 03, 2007
Two adventurer in journey. They are getting through very wide desert. As long as eye look there's only sand unfolding.
Their footprint forms the curve which expired on step which they make. Sand dirt which flown force them walk carefully. Sudden storm come. Big wind dash against them. Its blowing make two adventurer bodies are unsteady. Their clothes afluter by wind. Their step progressively weight. They are taking care of each other by joined their hand. They try to ride out ferocious storm
After storm start weak. Suddenly, other accident befalls them. Their drinking water is open when storm come. Its contents fall and swallowed by desert heat. Second of adventurer is plunged in thought, regretting that loss. "Oh, our history is finish, "saying first adventurer. Then he writes on sand with his fingertip. "We are sorrowful. We loss of beverage stock in this place.

His friend, seen abashed. But, trying to be tough. Then they are put in order his equipment and continue the journey. After through the desert, they see there is oasis afar. "We safe", exclaim one of them. "See there is water there"
By the rest of energy, they run to that oasis. Fact, non mirage. Really a pool. Even small but its water a lot. Both immediately drink much and fill the basin water.
At the same time rest, first adventurer release the knife grasp and chisel above stone "We get the bliss. We can continue the journey because finding this place".
Second adventurer surprise. "Why now you write above stone, whereas mentioned, you write in sand?". First adventurer gives a smile. "Our moment get the adversity, write all that in sand. Let the wind bring it far from our memory. Let that note lose with disseminating it integrity sand. Let altogether vanish and annihilate. But, remember our moment when get the bliss. Chisel that dignity in stone so that remain to be recalled and make the happier us. Write the beautiful memory in hard stones, so cannot vanish. Let that bliss note [is] immanent. Let on file altogether.
Both are staring at each other and give a smile. Stock drink have been got, rest is enough, nowadays a moment to continue the journey. Both of adventurer step lightly.
Sorrow and bliss always arrive. Coloring this length live. Both always in our memory. But, Is there any of us behave like mentioned adventurer capable to write down every sorrow in sand so that integrity wind bring it go? Is there any of us represent an obstinate so capable to extricate every adversity?
Try to always remember every kindliness and bliss which we have. Keep all that in our sturdy heart so that there's nothing able to vanish it. Write the happy memory so that nothing sorrow wind capable to wipe out. Those ways we will always optimism in experiencing this length life.
Taken from SAKSI magazine.


posted by Setyawan @ 8:06 PM  
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