Enlightening Village

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Friend…. Bliss like a water for the man who thirsts. Like a light for the man who darkness. Bliss searched by everybody. Sometime they ready to release million money for the bliss. But many people wrong interpret of the bliss meaning. A lot look the bliss when we got copious of money, copious of properties, and have the high occupation. Friend… In the reality all is wrong. A lot of fact which we see who the copious of properties they not find the bliss. Those who have the high occupation never felt the bliss. And often we meet a impecunious exactly feel the meaning of bliss. My Friend... in the reality, bliss we do not get in properties or high occupation but bliss will get when people able to mean this life truly…. Welcome to :


Making life meaningful.

In this site will be allotted story to be everybody knows there is part of the world of them not understand, even though they have never envisioned it. Read not with eyes but with the heart, so we can be stayed alive, not merely with the physical, but with the soul which never stop to expand. So that we comprehend that this life is a beautiful matter and pleasure, cold and refresh, peace and full of freshmen.

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Goal Setting
Monday, November 24, 2008
Goal setting is something that many of us do or say we do. Being codependent setting goals can help you by helping you focus on yourself. Having a goal to focus on will help motivate you. Studies show that having a specific goal in mind and having it be more challenging led to a higher performance than having easy goals. It showed that people who write down their goals, have a plan in place and who take regular action are more positive and in sync with their true self.

It may have been a long time since you put your attention on yourself. Once you set your goal (or goals) that will provide you with a course to follow that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. Think of your goal as a destination.

There may be obstacles and struggles along the way, but that's where your desire for your goal and the persistence you might have to have come into play. The reason why you have your goal ( your 'why') will provide you the motivation and persistence that you might require. Your goals allow you to tap into a source of possibilities that allow you to accomplish your goals one step at a time.

he first thing you must do when planning goals is to write them down. They might change as you move toward them, but having something written down is an important step you must not skip. It will also let you see how far you've come. Ask yourself where you want to be in a year. If that seems too soon make it three years or five years.

The second thing that is important is to focus on them. Make your goal a part of all you do. Never let it slip from your mind. What you focus on expands. So having it foremost in your mind leads to action on your part. That will keep your energy from scattering all over the place.

If there are failures along the way just keep moving your feet. No one has ever made it to the top without failing sometimes, or even many many times. Failure teaches you lessons along the way. It makes you stronger and builds character.

Breaking your goals down into mini-goals makes them much more simple and effortless. Breaking it down even more into daily tasks helps you organize your time needed to begin and move forward. From that, create a step-by-step plan.

Use a journal to follow your goals and your progress. Always use positive statements and inspiring dialect. Write your goals and statements like they have already happened. Over time, you will start to believe them and that alone will motivate you. Visualize your success. Use all your sense when seeing your success in your imagination. Reward yourself when you reach each step. Acting 'as if' will help you attain your goals more quickly.

Finally, having gratitude for what you do have puts your attention onto the positive parts of your life. Stop reacting to what others want from you. Choose a path that is more focused on you and that is right for you. Expect good things to happen and they will. Along the way you'll gain new insight into yourself and your life.
by : Lori Klauser


posted by Setyawan @ 3:58 PM  
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