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Friend…. Bliss like a water for the man who thirsts. Like a light for the man who darkness. Bliss searched by everybody. Sometime they ready to release million money for the bliss. But many people wrong interpret of the bliss meaning. A lot look the bliss when we got copious of money, copious of properties, and have the high occupation. Friend… In the reality all is wrong. A lot of fact which we see who the copious of properties they not find the bliss. Those who have the high occupation never felt the bliss. And often we meet a impecunious exactly feel the meaning of bliss. My Friend... in the reality, bliss we do not get in properties or high occupation but bliss will get when people able to mean this life truly…. Welcome to :


Making life meaningful.

In this site will be allotted story to be everybody knows there is part of the world of them not understand, even though they have never envisioned it. Read not with eyes but with the heart, so we can be stayed alive, not merely with the physical, but with the soul which never stop to expand. So that we comprehend that this life is a beautiful matter and pleasure, cold and refresh, peace and full of freshmen.

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Time Management Strategy: Free Up your Mind and Reduce your Stress
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Stress and tension reducing time management strategy. Your mind is like a computer capturing and storing data all day long every day. When you choose to store unnecessary data in your mind you’re just increasing your stress and tension. With the fast paced world around you, and all the demands you have each day give yourself and your mind a break.

Use a system outside of your head to capture all the important things. Each day you have things you have to do now, things you can do later, things you can do some day when you have time, and things you want to remember to do at some point and you don’t have any idea when that point will be right now. So much information. So many thoughts and ideas. It’s no wonder you’re exhausted and have a tension headache by the end of the day. You can take a gigantic burden off your mind if you’ll just allow an external system to track all this stuff for you.

Don’t read the word system and think big and complicated and hard to learn. That’s exactly what you don’t want. You want something simple, that you developed, and that you understand, and that you’ll be willing to use daily. The whole objective of your system is to have a place where you can logically store all this information outside of your head. Thus freeing your mind up from having to track and remember all these really insignificant things in the big picture of life. You especially want to rely on an external system if what you’re tracking is really big picture important.

What system should you use with this time management strategy? Start with something you’re very comfortable with, and something you can rely on no matter what. Electronic systems are great, but when your hard drive crashes, your data is corrupted, or you have a virus how will you retrieve this information. Use one main system to manage your time, and only one main system. It’s okay to have other systems that trigger reminders, but you want one system that you can count on to have all the information you need.

How do you organize all this time related information? Everything that is this week should go right into your calendar. That’s the easy stuff. You also need one central location where you put all your “not now stuff”, all the stuff you want to or have to do later and you don’t want to forget. When you’re developing your system you also want to think about being able to access your information easily wherever you are, so you can add things and check things off and verify that you have the information recorded.


posted by Setyawan @ 7:30 PM  
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