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Avoiding Short Term Memory Loss
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Various names for memory loss are amnesia and dementia. One of our biggest fears as we age is losing our mental facilities, and how to deal with family members who are experiencing such memory loss. Short term memory loss can be triggered by stroke, circulation, Alzheimer’s as well as poor conductivity in the brain. However, take heart that memory loss is temporary and can be improved or avoided.

What is Short Term Memory?

Short-term memory refers to memories which last for a few minutes, and have gone through some amount of processing by the brain. It is usually of limited capacity, and absorbing new information causes the older information to be “forgotten”. Trying to communicate with those who have short term memory loss is frustrating.

Avoiding Short Term Memory Loss

1. Items can be maintained indefinitely in short-term memory by rehearsal: e.g. by repeating the information over and over again.

2. Repetition may also increase the probability that items in short-term memory will enter permanent storage in long-term memory.

3. Mental and physical exercises, your diet and nutritional supplements can help in avoiding short term memory loss.

4. Your body needs to have sufficient sleep in order to create links and connections in your memory. Hence, a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a day is recommended.

5. Your vision is an incredible resource for boosting your memory, with approximately 40% of the brain devoted to it. This is more than any other function of the brain!

6. Visit your doctor for regular blood tests, as they are indicators as to possible ailments and allows for your doctor to provide a cure through medications.

7. When your brain is deprived of the blood it needs, your memory health will be adversely affected. Cut down on the number of triglycerides and cholesterol in your blood, as these act as blockers.

8. In order to maintain the health of your mind, your brain needs nutrients such as folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12. These support the neurotransmitters in your brain that allows you to pass on signals and information to where they should be.

9. These are 8 simply tips to avoiding short term memory loss. Do keep in mind that although aging affects memory loss, other factors such as health issues, alcohol and drug usage, smoking, and environmental toxins play an important part as well.

by: Greg Frost

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posted by Setyawan @ 5:32 AM  
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