Enlightening Village

Self Development - Self Motivation - Self Improvement


Friend…. Bliss like a water for the man who thirsts. Like a light for the man who darkness. Bliss searched by everybody. Sometime they ready to release million money for the bliss. But many people wrong interpret of the bliss meaning. A lot look the bliss when we got copious of money, copious of properties, and have the high occupation. Friend… In the reality all is wrong. A lot of fact which we see who the copious of properties they not find the bliss. Those who have the high occupation never felt the bliss. And often we meet a impecunious exactly feel the meaning of bliss. My Friend... in the reality, bliss we do not get in properties or high occupation but bliss will get when people able to mean this life truly…. Welcome to :


Making life meaningful.

In this site will be allotted story to be everybody knows there is part of the world of them not understand, even though they have never envisioned it. Read not with eyes but with the heart, so we can be stayed alive, not merely with the physical, but with the soul which never stop to expand. So that we comprehend that this life is a beautiful matter and pleasure, cold and refresh, peace and full of freshmen.

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Friday, August 03, 2007
In very wide dimension, success is owned by everybody. But, not everybody know, how to get or reach the successfulness. Mostly people assess that successfulness is owned by people who have high IQ, graduate the best school and chosen the most famous specialization
This assessment is not wrong full, but we also have to see the broader phenomenon, many success people don’t have higher education. Equally, High IQ, best school graduate and famous specialization only the part of successfulness supporter.
At the time like this, feeling of self confidence is very important to grown. A lot of experts assess that self confidence represent the important factor generating a great difference between success and fail. Hence, many people assign technique to generate the self confidence. In the following some tips to build the self confidence :

First, dare to accept the responsibility. Director of The Institute of Effective Thinking, have performed research to assessment for many manager. From the research, Kushel conclude that he find the important character that owned by most of all manager owning high performance
And that character is feeling responsibility pushing them to come up “perfect" without caring any resistance which blocks them. Advisable, manager which have ugly performance and fail to reach the maximum capacities tend to overflow his mistake to everyone.
Second, developing positive value. Walk to go to the self confidence will faster when we develop the positive values on yourself. According to psychology Robert Anthony, Phd., one of way to develop the positive values by eliminating expression killing and changing with the creative expression. He suggests making the simple devolution Language but effective from the negative statement to positive statement. For example, changing word, “I cannot," becoming, “I can!"
Third, read the self potency. Immediately trace, dig, and explore the successful potency exist in our self. For example by enquiring to closest people. Including, follow the psikotes and visit psychiatry, and doctor to trace our potency. Because, possible that plenty potency which we have without we realize, so that we fail to dig
Fourth, dare to take the risk. Bravery in taking risk is important, cause than surrenders to fear more better learn to take the sensible risk. Try to accept the challenge, even felt fearful. Look for most the support as possible.


posted by Setyawan @ 8:08 PM  
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